Editorial Coordination
Managing Editor
Aristea Koukiadaki
Research Department, ILO
Research Department, ILO
Editorial Board - Chair
Caroline Fredrickson
Director, Research Department, ILO
Director, Research Department, ILO
Editorial Board
Peter Doeringer
Professor of Economics Emeritus, Department of Economics, Boston University
Professor of Economics Emeritus, Department of Economics, Boston University
Werner Eichhorst
Team Leader and Coordinator of Labor Market and Social Policy in Europe, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), Bonn, and Honorary Professor, University of Bremen
Team Leader and Coordinator of Labor Market and Social Policy in Europe, Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), Bonn, and Honorary Professor, University of Bremen
Jayati Ghosh
Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Adriana Marshall
Senior Researcher, Centro de Investigaciones Sociales (CONICET/IDES)
Senior Researcher, Centro de Investigaciones Sociales (CONICET/IDES)
Dominique Méda
Professor of Sociology and Director of IRISSO, University of Paris Dauphine–PSL Research University, and Chair in Ecology, work, employment and social policy, Collège d’études mondiales
Professor of Sociology and Director of IRISSO, University of Paris Dauphine–PSL Research University, and Chair in Ecology, work, employment and social policy, Collège d’études mondiales
Guy Mundlak
Professor, Faculty of Law and Chair, Department of Labour Studies, Tel Aviv University
Professor, Faculty of Law and Chair, Department of Labour Studies, Tel Aviv University
Uma Rani
Senior Economist, Research Department, ILO
Senior Economist, Research Department, ILO
Editorial Team
Leo Vita-Finzi
Publishing Coordinator, ILO
Publishing Coordinator, ILO
Esther Barrett
Senior English Editor, ILO
Senior English Editor, ILO
Philomena De Agrella
Editorial Assistant, ILO
Editorial Assistant, ILO
Stéphanie Pham-Schall
Editorial Assistant, ILO
Editorial Assistant, ILO